Saturday 21 November 2009


At Christmas we are reminded that Jesus, who once had been the unimaginable, who once had dwelt in majesty and glory in a dimension beyond our understanding, became imaginable to us in His incarnation.

He took on flesh so we could see Him and so He could be with us and for us.

His IMAGE IN Earth
His IMAGE IN Eternity
His IMAGE IN Everyone

What a wonderful message. Jesus, born in Bethlehem in the image of man who had been formed in the image of God.

We too must carry the image on. Be image-bearers of the once unimaginable.

To enable others to imagine the glory of a God who was and is and is to come.

The God who came so that we could behold Him, behold His image, imagine the truth of who He is for us now and for who He has always been for us at every twist and turn of every breath of our past and will forever be there for us now and always.

Christmas is the unimaginable at last imagined, revealed and experienced. For us to know and see and share.

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