Friday 29 October 2010

Life groups are coming!

Life groups (by Mark Hudson)

The mission of ‘Life Groups’ is to enable discipleship through learning about God’s living word.

Having done a bible study course for two years it has shown me that scripture is multi-layered in the fact that you can never stop learning about God - whether you’ve been a Christian for 100 minutes or 100 years!

Once a fortnight, Life groups made up of 6 – 8 people, will give you an opportunity to learn in an informal environment. In essence the studies will run parallel with the sermon topics, enabling the small group to study in more detail a particular subject, a specific point raised and how it impacts our everyday lives and walk with Jesus.

Apart from a deeper understanding of scripture, time will also be given over for prayer, encouragement and fellowship for each person as they grow in God and his Word.

Mark and Wendy are heading up this initiative - I'm excited by the possibility of people inspiring each other to engage with God's word in order to be changed by God's word so we can reach out to others with God's word.

Life groups are voluntary for anyone who wants to get inspired and be transformed and support each other in our desire to become more like Jesus (Romans 8 v29).
A list will be circulated very soon for anyone who wants to get involved.

Let's do life together

Saturday 9 October 2010

Be conformed

What does it mean to live like Jesus?
I mean 4 things which I believe are crucial if we are to grow as Christians to 'be conformed to the likeness of his son' (Romans 8 v29)

Jesus has mission at His heart: He came to proclaim the kingdom of God, the love of God and to draw everyone towards salvation found only in Him at the cross. He went anywhere to anyone at anytime to do this.

Jesus lived in faith and obedience. He was not limited by circumstances but in the face of overwhelming opposition and disappointment He carried on.

Jesus was full of the Spirit and was 'led by the Spirit'.

Jesus lived with purpose and got stirred to oppose those things that opposed God's kingdom. The poor, the imprisoned, the blind, the oppressed. He lived with calling and wasn't afraid to follow it.

How about us? What about me? What about you? Do these things describe us? Let us make sure today that they do because I believe they will determine our fruitfulness.