Saturday 26 September 2009

While all the world is sleeping

While all the world is sleeping
And everybody dreams
We can't rebound the echoes
That bleed into our peace
Our buildings lack foundation
Our roofs are leaking shame
We need an intervention
That moves these stones again
An ocean forming impact
That changes what we see
A flooded river flowing
And the healing touch of leaves

Why do we need to have a year of prayer?
Because God wants to break in through us and an increase in authority comes from being with the One who has authority.

We need an intervention and where the intervening river flows everything will live..fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river..their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.

What do we want from God?
For Him to flow without limitation.
What do we want from God?
Nothing except what He wants from us.

I'm reading Alan Hirsch at the moment and for those interested in church development and leadership I believe he's saying important things which we need to engage with.

But this is firstly a year of prayer - not pointless purposeless prayer but prayer that commands angels and destroys strongholds. Prayer that occupies the hill-tops and brings down the avalanches of God. Where deep calls to deep and where we know the inclined ear of the healer.

God will revolutionise His church - all He asks is for us to listen and let Him flow, intervene, interfere, have His own way - then we will see all His dreams and more fulfilled.

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